Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "open road"
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Since she began publishing her writings in 1988, Laura Freixas has become one of the most relevant voices of Spanish feminism. In this autobiography,the author opens the doors, intimately and heartbreakingly, to one of the central stages of her life: marriage and motherhood. It was not going to happen to me , it's a reflection on private life and feminism, a transparent and sincere sample of human contradictions.... - Read more

Alex Colt is an orphan who lives in a shelter. One day he slides down a sliding chute but never reaches the ground. His body disappears from earth and reappears aboard an alien spaceship. Alex is conscious of this when he sees the moon flying by the hatchway, like a sign on the road informing you that you are leaving your village. He hardly gets to see them from the other side of the glass cylinder in which he travels.... - Read more

At times what we call experience is only a generous list of our mistakes, and Mauricio Aldabò has already commited all the mistakes a rich boy can commit. The sudden disappearance of his lover completely changes his routine; if before he was a young and worthy representative of the Catalan middle class, a frequent visitor of the best clubs in Barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century, his obsession in discovering the mystery that... - Read more

1916: First Wolrd War.Viktor Kretzschmar and Thadeus Dreyer are betling their lives on a chess game. Place: a railroad wagon carrying troops to the front. If he wins, Thadeus Dreyer, a mobilized recruit, will change identity with that of his opponent, a railway employee, if he loses he'll put a bullet through his lead. 1943: The Second World War. The Amphitryon project is on the march. A small legion of doubles are training to substitute... - Read more

Desamparo is the bittersweet saga of a woman who returns to Portugal for the first time in more than fifty years to meet the mother she'd lost when taken off at three years of age by her father, to Brazil. Written with intelligence, compassion and dark humor, and set in an imaginary village in Portugal that serves as a microcosm and a crossroads for the global ebb and flow of immigrants and emigrants, strivers and losers, a community of the... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 57 results
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